Monday, September 28, 2015

Tuesday: September 29, 2015

Image result for cnn student news

current news

Image result for Political map       Political Map

Natural Resource MapImage result for natural resource map

Image result for longitude and latitude    Location

Centers:    Image result for centers at different tables

Center #1 :   United States Puzzle - Learning the States

Center #2 :  Drawing Political Map 

Center #3:  Natural Resource Maps

Center #4:  Location of Countries and Oceans

Center #5: Computers - Learning about maps online.

Maps Online

Image result for Exit ticket

Do a word web for 2 new vocabulary words you learned today.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wed.   - Sept. 23, 2015


Image result for continents

United States:
Image result for united states map

Draw your country and its states

English online games:

Which online games did you play?
Image result for Exit ticket
I played ____________.

What was the website.

The website was ____________.