Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dia De La Muertos/Halloween  Thursday  Oct. 29, 2015

Dia De La Muerto

What is the date of the "Dia De La Muertos?" What do we celebrate?

The date of the Dia De La Muertos is _______________.

We _____________on that day.



What do we do on Halloween in the United States?

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Word Web - Halloween Words

Monday, October 26, 2015

Geography of the United States - Tuesday, October 27, 2015
What can geography teach us about the United States?

Image result for colorado maroon bells

5 Themes of Geography

What are the 5 Themes of Geography

The 5 Themes of Geography are _______________, _______________, ________________, ________________, and ______________________.

Grab a chromebook and log on to TCI.

Geography of the United States

3. Describing Water and Landforms

Poster Time - Pick a Partner
Pick 8 - draw and define

plains                      cape
lake                         delta
gulf                         mountain
valley                      hill
river                        canyon
tributary                  landform
pennisula                island
dessert                    waterfall
swamp                    forest

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Do a word web on 2 landforms.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Test Day - Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Image result for cnn student news

What is Happening Today?

Study for 5 minutes - look over your notes
Image result for timer

Image result for test time

Grab a Chromebook - go to

Courses - Government - The Constitution Quiz

Also fill in the Graphic Organizer when you finish computer part of test.

Good Luck Today! Please be quiet after you finish.

Image result for have a good fall break    No Exit Ticket Today!

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015 - Monday

Fill in continent names.
Image result for continents

Grab your chrombooks and log on to!

Let's review for test on Wednesday

Practice Longitude/Latitude

Practice Continents and Oceans

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What are you doing to prepare for the test?

I will _______________________.

What grade do you predict you will make?

I will make a __________________.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Longitude and Latitude - October 15, 2015

What is the location of your city?

My location is _____________.
If you are not from El Salvador, pick one city.

Image result for tci curriculum
Everyone grab a Chromebook and we will explore together.
Password: basalt
Read Introduction Together/Worksheet
Read Chapter 2, 3, & 4.

Image result for partner working together
Worksheet Partner Time

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The longitude of the _________________ is 0°

The _____________ is the starting point for measuring latitude. It is labeled 0°, or zero degrees.