Monday, October 26, 2015

Geography of the United States - Tuesday, October 27, 2015
What can geography teach us about the United States?

Image result for colorado maroon bells

5 Themes of Geography

What are the 5 Themes of Geography

The 5 Themes of Geography are _______________, _______________, ________________, ________________, and ______________________.

Grab a chromebook and log on to TCI.

Geography of the United States

3. Describing Water and Landforms

Poster Time - Pick a Partner
Pick 8 - draw and define

plains                      cape
lake                         delta
gulf                         mountain
valley                      hill
river                        canyon
tributary                  landform
pennisula                island
dessert                    waterfall
swamp                    forest

Image result for exit sign

Do a word web on 2 landforms.

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