Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nature/The 13 Colonies - Monday - November 30, 2015


Have you ever skied before?

_________I have/have not skied.

Do you want to try skiing or snowboarding?

_______, I want to ski.

________, I want to snowboard.

Image result for ski
DICTADO - skiing

Nature Worksheet

TCI - Comparing the Colonies - Chapter 7
Section 1 - The New England, Middle, and Southern Colonial Regions
Image result for 13 colonies

13 Colonies Activity

Image result for paper airplanesAirplane Activity  

Image result for paper airplanes

EXTRA - Listening Activity

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Write 5 states in the 13 colonies.

________, _______, __________, ____________, and ____________are part of the 13 colonies.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Migration Routes of the First American - Thursday - November 19, 2015

How did the first people come to America?

They came by a ________________.

Why did they come here?

They came because they were __________________.

Image result for tci curriculum
Everyone grab a Chromebook and we will explore together.
Password: basalt
Read Introduction Together/Worksheet

Chapter 2 - American Indians and Their Land - Section 2 Migration Routes

DICTADO - Indian's Migration

Thanksgiving ActivitiesImage result for thanksgiving turkey

Image result for exit ticket

Did you go to the Thanksgiving Dinner? What was your favorite food?

________I went to the Thanksgiving Dinner? 
My favorite food was ______________.

Name one fact you learned today.

One fact I learner today was __________________.

Turn in your journals on your way out the door.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Journey Continues - Tuesday - November 17, 2015


Write down 5 Thanksgiving foods.

Thanksgiving Partner Worksheet Activity!

Don't forget Thanksgiving dinner tonight  at 6pm.



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Image result for googlemaps   

Please add 3 famous landforms from your country.
Also use all the word wall vocabulary.

A famous landform in my country is _________________.

A push factor is ______________.

A pull factor is ______________.

An urban area is _______________.

A rural area is _______________.

Image result for exit door

How do you feel about GoogleMaps?
 Image result for horizontal traffic light

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Journey - Friday - November 13, 2015

Image result for friday the 13th

Immigration Mapping Narrative Plan

Image result for googlemaps     Thanks to Mr. B!

Image result for exit sign  

Are you good at GoogleMaps?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Journey Begins: Wednesday- November 11, 2015

Image result for veterans day

Veterns Day

  1. What is Veterans Day? 

Vetern's Day is ________________.

Critical Thinking Challenge

What are some of the things you can do to help veterans?

I can ________________.


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 Image result for PUSH FACTORS

Immigration Mapping Narrative Plan

teacher's email:
Username: basalt

Geography in the United States
Section 6 - Climate of the United States

Work with a Partner

Image result for exit doorPost it: Write your name and tell me a push and a pull factor for you.

A push factor was ________.

A pull factor was ___________.