Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Migration Routes of the First American - Thursday - November 19, 2015

How did the first people come to America?

They came by a ________________.

Why did they come here?

They came because they were __________________.

Image result for tci curriculum
Everyone grab a Chromebook and we will explore together.
Password: basalt
Read Introduction Together/Worksheet

Chapter 2 - American Indians and Their Land - Section 2 Migration Routes

DICTADO - Indian's Migration

Thanksgiving ActivitiesImage result for thanksgiving turkey

Image result for exit ticket

Did you go to the Thanksgiving Dinner? What was your favorite food?

________I went to the Thanksgiving Dinner? 
My favorite food was ______________.

Name one fact you learned today.

One fact I learner today was __________________.

Turn in your journals on your way out the door.

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