Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016 - Boston Tea Party

What did the king do that made the colonists mad?

The king ____________________.

What did the colonists do to protest?

The colonists protested by _____________.

New Vocabulary:
BoycottImage result for boycott

Image result for boycott

Schoology - Discussion

Image result for tci

          teachers email: tingram@rfschools.com

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CHAPTER 10 : To Declare Independence or Not
Section 6: Boston Tea Party

Write 3 facts about the Boston Tea Party.
(Escribe 3 hechos que usted aprendiĆ³ sobre el Partido BostenTea)

Do a word web on protest and boycott.

Image result for drinking a cup of tea       
  Enjoy a cup of tea in celebration of the 
Boston Tea Party.

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